بسم الله الرحمن الرحیمبا درود
جنایتی دیگر از سوی فراماسونها
تحریف قران در نسخه های دیجیتالی آیفون و سامسونگ
A new version of the Quran has been released on the Apple APP STORE by the Ahmadiyyah/Qadiani community.
The name of the app is "The Holy Quran, Arabic text and English
translation". "Translated by Maulvi Sher , Ahmadiyya Muslim Community"
has been clearly mentioned in the app information in iPhone App Store.
Please make Muslims aware not to buy/download this app!
Boycott this product as the contents of this application are
incorrect/misleading & contradict the teachings of the Holy Quran
and Hadith.
Please forward this to everyone so they are made aware
even to those without androids or iPhones so they can inform others
گفته شده توسط خاندان های ایلومیناتی (روچیلد . راکفلر و....):شیطان زنده و فعال هست و ما مردم منتخب او هستیم و او را میپرستیم
منبع: http://www.cabala.ir/